On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, the Lakeside Somers Chamber of Commerce hosted an Open House with Discovery Land LLC at the QRU. Two directors from the UWSA attended this Open House and had the opportunity to speak with Jeremy Pfile, VP of Development, Discovery Land LLC. We shared that while the Open House was a great first step, the UWSA felt a broader outreach was warranted to fully engage with the Lakeside & Rollins Communities. We subsequently reached out to the developers to see if they had any information they would like to share. They stated that they were making some final tweaks to the land plan based on the feedback from the community and the QRU meeting. As of this newsletter, no information has been received from Discovery Land LLC.
At the May 1st Open House, Discovery Land LLC indicated that they anticipated submitting their application to Flathead County Planning & Zoning this summer with the expectation that it would be presented to the Planning Board in the fall. Discovery Land LLC advised that they do not have any other public events planned at this time, but plan to have some over the summer. We asked that they keep us informed so we can share those with the community.
Discovery Land LLC indicated that the changes they are making to the plan will change the map that was shared at the Open House, so please note that the image below is outdated. As we have not yet received an updated map and there are many community members that either didn't know about the meeting or weren't able to attend, we wanted to share an image of what Discovery Land LLC had displayed at the May 1st Open House. Thank you to Matt Baldwin, Regional Editor for the Daily Inter Lake/Hagadone Media Montana. You can read Matt's article about the development here https://dailyinterlake.com/news/2024/may/02/plans-take-shape-for-luxury-golf-club-in-lakeside/